No longer in Kenya (aaah!) but still a Kenyan at heart...

Friday, 29 August 2008

Some feedback...

So, the 'big bad church' lost it's case against the evil gay man. Big up's for the South African legal system! I especially like the fact that this is a watershed moment is South African law as anybody can now take an employer to task for discrimination based on sexual orientation! Good. Still planning to go and paint their fence in pride colours...

On another note, decided on a phone. It will be a Nokia E71 so that I can still receive my mails on my mobile but at least it's less of a brick to carry around. Now just hope I don't drop it in the first week. The IT guys said I should get a little thing called a condom for it... Apparently it's a rubber 'jacket' that you pull over the phone to protect it. Well then, that's exactly the same as the condoms we keep in our bedroom drawers now, isn't it? Don't think it will work the same way though...

This weekend they are launching Mamma Mia here. (Yes, yes. SA is a bit behind the rest of the world in some things) On Saturday we're going to get dressed up in white spandex suits and going out to see the ABBA movie. I'll look like the Goodyear blimp in drag but hey, anything for a laugh, right? Should be fun though... And no - no camera's allowed!

Then we're also busy with the garden layout at the moment. Will post some pictures of that when it's done. The house is 'nearly' finished, but I'm sure Dawie will start changing things soon enough. He's never been one to keep things the same for very long.

Hope y'all have a really pretty weekend now and be good, or at least good at it...


Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Choosing a new toy...

Trying to choose a new phone at the moment as mine had an 'untimely' death when it accidentally fell out of my hand at the mall this weekend. It is/was a Nokia 6680 which, frankly, gave me great service. Also have an iMate Qwerty which I use for work but that is a whole chapter on it's own - my advice to anybody - NEVER get an iMate phone! About as user friendly as a wounded buffalo! (For those of you who are not in Africa, that means pretty unfriendly...)

Back to my Ex-Nokia. Great phone, shitty memory but in general easy to use and tough, so can handle my 'rough ways' with mobile phones. This is the phone I've used the longest (just over two years) of all my previous ones as most of my cellulars seem to give up the ghost pretty early on in their lives. So, here I sit in front of my screen with a list of (I kid you not!) 508 phones that I can choose from on my contract... What the... How in the name of all things holy should one decide which phone is better that the next, which one will stay in fashion for longer that a mere nanosecond and which one will have a decent battery life based on a pretty picture with people running trough a field of daisies with Dalmatians playing in the background. Honestly - what does it have to do with the whole thing? Call me old fashioned - when did a phone become a camera/PDA/Video Machine/Vibrator/Sex slave etc etc...

So, here I go surfing the Internet and findin' myself a new phone. What fun! (NOT!)

Hope y'all are having a pretty day now,


Thursday, 14 August 2008

A little comment...

Besides the Olympics and South Africa's dismal performance being headline news right now, there is another story that is getting some attention at the moment. One of the really conservative Afrikaans Churches is being sued for wrongful dismissal by an ex employee for not only being gay, but (heaven forbid!) being in a long term relationship with a man! And now their leader said that they 'could have helped him' if he only confessed that he was a 'homosexual' person - HOW? You conceited bastard...

Lucky for him he lives in a country where his right of freedom of choice with regards to his sexual orientation is protected by the constitution and the outcome of this case will probably be that the church would have to pay up. This is discrimination, pure and simple.

This specific church is not too far from our home in Pretoria. It's a big, pompous glass and brick monstrosity on a large tract of land surrounded by miles of palisade fencing. I'm of the opinion that we should get together a team of people and go and paint their 'cherished' palisade fencing in the PRIDE colours one evening... That should keep them busy with the 'moffie' (gay) agenda for a while. Bastards...

Now I feel better - had my little rant for the morning. On a personal note, feeling more alive and well after the flu thing, Dawie is getting stronger by the day. Jessica (our Yorkie) went into 'that time' and it's quite the effort keeping her away from all the male visitors to our home at the moment - little slut! (Daddy's little slut! Dawie says she's just as randy as I am...) Jason (our male Yorkie) was 'fixed' a while ago, so he's no real threat, although he does try his luck with her. Don't want to 'make' grandchildren just yet, so we need to skip this time around.

Otherwise, just work and carrying on with life. We're planning a trip to Crystal Springs next month, and then we're also planning a trip to Cape Town for Dawie's 40th early next year... Goodness - we're older than the crypt keeper... That trip should be fun! And then still planning our trip to the US of A for late next year. Have to have dreams daaaaaahlings!

So, that's my life in a nutshell - I know I've been really quite of late, but it's been such a mad time. I need to visit all my 'bloggin' friends to see what's up in their lives and play catch-up a bit...

Hope y'all are as well as a pig in pooo!