No longer in Kenya (aaah!) but still a Kenyan at heart...

Monday, 12 May 2008

Packing lists, moving dates, KRA and other 'madening' exercises...

'Pay Ceasar what is due to Ceasar' - says the bible, and in principle, I agree. After all, if nobody paid their taxes as they should, the goverment would not be able to do the job it is assigned. OK, there are certain things wrong with the way things are going after the 'general erection' of December here in Kenya - like the fact that a top heavy (never mind bloody expensive) pairlement is in place, but in principal, I have always believed that paying your dues to the goverment is part of the responsibilty of a good citizen/resident of a country. And I've been diligent in making sure that my 'contribution' (however meager it may be) goes to the state coffers every month.

Now, however, as I'm about to choose items to go into a container and have these memories shipped to another country, KRA (Kenya Revenue Authority - a.k.a Satan's spawn) is requiring me to complete a plethora of little forms and letters. Submit costs of items - how the hell should I remember. I don't keep receipts and most of the items were bought on the streets where receipts are not really a big priority anyway... But here comes the crunch!

If you think KRA is anal - try and deal with SARS (South African Revenue Services - a.k.a the devil incarnate). These people have the intilectual capacity of dead crayfish - no wait, that's an overstatement - of dead cacti, pond scum, nail varnish removal liquid, an ink blotch... Whatever really! For crying out loud - how the hell am I to 'repatriate' my meager earthly possesions without acutally following them into the country? (The first question is - Are you also entering the country with your goods?) I shake my head in utter disbelief. Wake up folks!

On a lighter note... Headin' here this weekend ->
Should be fun - just below Mount Kilimanjaro and time spent with a dear, dear friend of mine. At least then I can forget about the KRA's and SARS's of this world for a little bit...

Hope y'all have a really pretty day now!



Anonymous said...

LOL! 'general erection'. More like 'genero erections' my kikuyu brother.
All the same- I quite like the sound of those!

On a serious note- did you know that all they people they employ at KRA are actually demon spawn? Seriously , its been documented somewhere.

All the best and hope it works out for you. Piece of advice- sell your kidney to them- might move things along.

Laurie said...

I so know what you mean. We did
our taxes back in Feburary.

I really wish I didn't have to go
those every year. UGH!!

Please do relax this coming weekend
I would get to so I took full
advantage of this past weekend.


Java said...

Can belongings be repatriated? Can inanimate things be repatriated? Are you sending your stuff ahead so it can establish a household for you? So that when you get there your stuff will welcome you with open arms, make you feel comfortable, and therefore more willing to pay your taxes? Do you have to pay taxes on the stuff in Kenya, then pay again in SA?

I'm making myself dizzy. Lovely shot of Kilimanjaro. Do enjoy the weekend!

Billy said...

WY - Sitting here kidney less and then unable to drink another Tusker, or just going with the flow and seeing who is going to give up first - them are my choices. Me thinks I'll probably give up first.

As for the Kikuyu jab - vely, vely naughty!

Laurie - Intend to do as little as possible - staring at the 'little hill' in the distance, drinking a little G&T (very colonial) and just being lazy...

Java - you confused the daylights out of me sweetie... Maybe 'cause English aint my first (or second) language. Will have fun, thanks!

My adventures said...

Fabulous photo!!