I had a stunning herb salad with snoek (An oily white fish) & smoked haddock fish cakes for dinner last night. The herb salad was made with ingredients from my own garden - I had this sheepish grin the whole time I was preparing dinner and I really enjoyed it! More so because it was grown in my own back yard! Mummy is VERY impressed with himself today!
A couple of things I've noticed about 'gardening' - if that is what you can call me watering a few plants, weeding a bit and generally just standing there admiring the landscapers work, gardening.
It's good for the soul! It truly is relaxing and your mind just clears. After spending nigh on two hours in 'serious' traffic there is just nothing better than standing outside as the sun sets and watering my little patch of earth.
A couple of things I've noticed about 'gardening' - if that is what you can call me watering a few plants, weeding a bit and generally just standing there admiring the landscapers work, gardening.

It's good for the soul! It truly is relaxing and your mind just clears. After spending nigh on two hours in 'serious' traffic there is just nothing better than standing outside as the sun sets and watering my little patch of earth.

I'm spending more time outside now that there is something to look at. I use to get home, switch on the AC and get busy with my things inside, but now I'm setting the little table outside for dinner, lighting a candle and enjoying my dinner el fresco. My housekeeper thinks I've gone moggy (It is still quite warm), but I'm loving it!

I'm spending more time at home (When I'm home) - not running away from the 'feelings' inside anymore. To be honest, been finding any excuse of late to not be at home, so this is good too. Think I'm settling into my new 'single person' routine. Don't do well as a single person, but this is the cards I've been dealt and I will play them. Anyway, not even remotely ready for another relationship...
All in all I think this is the best thing I could have done. It's good for me - and it keeps me busy.
A few pic's to entertain/bore/nauseate etc etc.
Bowls I bought in Swaziland from Ngwenya Glass - Glass & Ceramic.

Sunset on the Crocodile River from my parents place. Sooooo stunning.

Dear sweet jesus in heaven, if I don't get over there for a visit and a dinner on that patio soon, I don't know what's going to happen. The colors, the pictures, the plants and pots, the plates.... oh, and YOU TOO! Such a beautiful place to light the candle and relax.
I'm so with Lewis...Yeah...I love
what you have done...SOOO wish I
could do that in my backyard but...
With the two dogs, the neighbors
and the birds that make 'fly overs'
I don't ever see that happening...
You have done such a wonderful
job on that patio...
I used to love spending time on my patio with the dogs and hand pruning the garden. It was very relaxing and I really did my best thinking that way. It's like communing with nature, a small bit of it but it was nature, I miss it. Love the bowls! One of these days I'll have to make it over to visit, I'll want to see the Crocodile River too! Ha! Are there really crocodiles?
Y'all are welcome! Spare bedroom always available for bloggin' friends.
As for the crocs in the river - most defenitely. This side is private property but the other side is the Kruger National Park. We've even had Elephants/Hippos/Buffalo's on the lawn in front of the house...
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