No longer in Kenya (aaah!) but still a Kenyan at heart...

Monday, 31 March 2008

This weekend.

This weekend was the general election in Zimbabwe. Robert Mugabe is a real 'shit' and has been the head of this poor nation since 1980 with the Independence of Zimbabwe. Obviously this election is going to be as free and fair as the war for oil (sorry, peace) in Iraq. (Sorry, that's another post but I thought I'd get a little stab in here.)

With Zimbabwe's inflation rate now (officially!) over 100,000% the average person just cannot survive anymore, and my heart goes out to everybody there. My wishes are that, despite the overwhelming evidence that this will be just another 'African' election, peace will prevail and that Mugabe (who looks more and more like Hitler everyday!) will take defeat as a man. He has, after all, stolen himself quite rich and can retire very well off the poor people of Zim.

Let's see what happens, but I'm not too hopeful...

Hope y'all have a pretty day now!


1 comment:

A Lewis said...

This is one hell of a lovely world we live in, isn't it?