No longer in Kenya (aaah!) but still a Kenyan at heart...

Friday, 5 June 2009

Air France...

I really did not want to post about this but with so many friends in the aviation industry, both here in SA and across the world, it makes me sick... How is it possible for an entire plane to just disappear without a trace? And for 126 men, 82 women, 7 children and a baby to lose their lives in an instant...

One South African was on the plane - a father of three young ones, and it's splashed all over the news and papers on this side. As I work in the media it's obviously even more 'in your face' that it would normally be, and they keep on running the story over and over again. Sometimes I think that 'my industry' is really cold and calculating. I mean, you're working with people's emotions and feelings here, not some inanimate 'thing' that is not affected by what your publish...

Just going trough a bit of an emotional 'conundrum' at the moment. Where do we draw the line? What should be published and what would be better left alone.

Oh well, the old adage says: Good news is bad news, and bad news is brilliant news...

Have a pretty weekend y'all!



Anonymous said...

I could never be a news person...
It does seem so heartless at times
ya know...



Tamaku said...

It beggars belief what happened to those people. RIP.

A Lewis said...

It is a wild story...and horribly disturbing. It may be a very long time before the truth is known.

Anonymous said...

It is horrifying and there are no adequate words.

Anil P said...

I suppose it'll take someone to take a stand on what's 'right' and what isn't, until then most newspapers will not want to be 'left out' when others are doing it as well.

This is a tragedy for those left behind as well.