No longer in Kenya (aaah!) but still a Kenyan at heart...

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Well I never...

This sort of flies in the face of the 'nature vs nurture' argument, doesn't it?
I've always believed that my parents did a sterling job of raising me and my sisters, so how could it be the 'nurture thingy'...
Feeling about as creative as driftwood at the moment so not really posting much. It just seems that my life sort of flows from one day to the next - it's all an enormous gray blur. Sure it's partly because of winter having hit us with a vengeance - not my favourite season.
So, long story short - I'm not going to bore you with some long winded account of my life at the moment. I have a few posts that I've written and not posted, but that will have to wait until I feel like editing and making them worth reading...
Hope y'all are pretty!


Tamaku said...

A lovely heart-warming story. Cheers buddy.

Anonymous said...

Ain't that just the CUTEST!!
There was another gay penguine
couple at the Central Park Zoo
who also hatched an unwanted egg
and raised a beautiful loving
baby girl...



A Lewis said...

What?? Driftwood isn't creative?