Been tagged by a friend via Email and I will not tag anybody else, but I thought this might be 'fun' for some of my readers - give you a bit of insight into the sick, dark world of the Kenyan Worm...
1. Taken a picture completely naked?Yes, but it was a 'game' the hubby and I played, and we deleted the pictures afterwards. I think we deleted the pictures...
2. Made out with a friend on your MySpace/Facebook page?Hum, NO!
3. Danced in front of your mirror naked?Yes - what a sight that was... Actually, I walk around the house
nekkid quite often.
4. Told a lie?Yes, unfortunately. But, I confessed my lie after the fact... We've all been in this situation.
5. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?Yes. Once again I think a general thing in life.
6. Been arrested?Yes, here in Kenya. Here they do not write a ticket for a traffic infringement, they 'arrest' you and take you to the police station where you get to pay a bond amount and they give you a date to appear in court. I was talking on my mobile while driving...
7. Made out with someone of the same sex?Uhm,
JA! Let's turn it around - ever made out with somebody of the
opposite sex? Yes, did that too. Still feel a bit silly about that.
8. Seen someone die?Seem someone close to me wither away and pass away, yes.
9. Slept in until 5pm?Not anymore, but probably did that in my youth...
10. Had sex at work?Yes. An ex and I worked together and one afternoon, just before home time... FYI - never work with your lover. Bad, bad idea.
11. Fallen asleep at work/school?Yes.
12. Held a snake?The reptilian kind does give me the
hebee jebees, but the trouser variety is a different story altogether.
13. Ran a red light?Live in Kenya don't I. If you don't run the red light you get rammed up the back!
14. Been suspended from school?Yes, not my proudest moment.
15. Totaled your car in an accident?Yes. I was young, stupid and drunk. Thank the good Lord nobody else got hurt. Won't ever drive drunk again.
16. Pole danced?No - can you imagine the
17. Smoked?Tobacco - daily. Green green grass of home - in my youth.
18. Been fired from a job?Never.
Retrensched once thought.
19. Sang karaoke?I'm queer aren't I!
20. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?Yes, we all do don't we.
21. Laughed until a drink came out your nose?Yes.
22. Caught a snowflake on your tongue?Yes. Many moons ago in Switzerland.
23. Kissed in the rain?Yes. Most memorable kiss with my hubby. On the beach in Natal.
24. Sang in the shower?Who doesn't. Keeps the cats out of the yard.
25. Given your private parts a nickname?Yes. And gave the hubby's a name too - and no, will not reveal it here.
26. Ever gone out without underwear?All the time.
27. Sat on a roof top?Plenty of times. Love to sit somewhere and watch the world go by...
28. Played chicken?In some ways, in other ways to careful.
29. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?Plenty of time.
Clothes don't usually stay on too long after that.
30. Broken a bone?Yes - see No 15.
31. Mooned/flashed someone?Hey, I was young once too!
32. Shaved your head?Never been brave enough. Too scared it won't grow back.
33. Slept naked?Every night. Cannot fall asleep if I'm wearing anything.
34. Played a prank on someone?All the time.
35. Had a gym membership?Yes, even used it a few times. (He he!)
36. Felt like killing someone?I'm human after all...
37. Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry?Yes, felt like a real shit!
38. Cried over someone you were in love with?Yes.
39. Had sex more than 10 times in one day?Is that even possible?
40. Had Mexican jumping beans for pets?Had some strange pets in my life, but beans - no. Had a
squirrel, a
leguaan, few dogs, birds, parrots etc etc. No cat's though - I'm allergic. Still have two Yorkshire Terriers - Jessica and Jason, and a French
Patagonian called Peggy Sue
Kumahlo (After a winner of Miss South Africa when we got her) - but she's a boy bird...
41. Been in a band?Yes.
42. Subscribed to Maxim?Terribly sexist magazine - so the answer is no.
43. Taken more than 10 shots of alcohol?Yes. I've slowed down a lot now though.
44. Shot a gun?Yes, I've even hunted on my dad's farm before.
I'm a butch thing me!45. Had sex today?Nope - looking forward to Friday when I'm home!
46. Played strip poker?No, strangely enough, never. (Mental note to self - buy cards for Friday night!)
47. Tripped on mushrooms?Yes.
48. Donated blood?Many a time.
49. Videotaped yourself having sex?Nope. (Mental note to self, change video camera battery for Friday night.)
50. Eaten alligator meat?Eaten crocodile a few times.
51. Ever jump out of an airplane?Tandem jump, but yes. Phenomenal experience!
52. Have you been to more than 10 countries?
53. Ever wanted to have sex with a platonic friend?Maybe - I ain't
Hope I didn't bore you to death...
Have a purdy day now!