No longer in Kenya (aaah!) but still a Kenyan at heart...

Monday, 9 February 2009


The weekend was fun in a strange and (once again) busy way. Friday night I spent at my parents place, mom is very teary at the moment and seems to need a lot of support, so I'll be a good little gay son and give her lots of hugs and kisses, and cook her nice, feelgood meals. Not that I cooked, the housekeeper did, but at least I ate it with her...

Saturday was dog school - and I fried in the sun again. At least this time not in my face as I had this hidiously large straw sun hat on - looked like a caracter from a Jerry Springer show in drag I tell you! And then my doggie wanted to 'attack' this big old Rottweiler, so my screams had everybody looking in my direction. I'm such a butch thing sometimes (He says VERY red faced!). Then in the afternoon it was some gardening and cleaning up of stuff around the house...

Sunday was nursery time - spent too much money on some plants and pots. As my backyard (It's a bit of a stretch to call it that, but bear with me) is cramped, I thought that planting herbs in pots would be a good idea. So, my new projects is a 'pot garden' at the back door... Should be fun! The afternoon was spent with my older sis and her hubby - good folk they are!

So, overall quite the busy weekend - again.

Now, back to work and then face the traffic home...

Hope y'all had great weekends as well!



My adventures said...

"Pot" garden, color me there, I'll be stopping by on my way to the Seychelles, roll a few before I get there! Glad you're keeping busy, I know how much that helps!

A Lewis said...

I want pictures of you in that hat frying in the sun. The rest was naked, I presume???

Laurie said...

I so wish I was there to see
all this and to help ya out with
it :)
PLEASE take some pictures to share
with us :)

Loves ya Willem!


gishungwa said...

First time here. Am sorry for your loss ((hugs)). Will keep you in prayers for strength and back to check on you. Chin up.

Billy said...

Very funny David - yes, I might just plant some of those herbs as well... ;->

No runnin' aoround nekkid with all those dogs around dear Lewis, one never knows what they might see as a juicy snack.

Will post some pics once I'm done Laurie!

And Karibu Sana Gishungwa, and thank you for the kind words!

Sh@ney said...

HI Billy

Nice of you to drop by and say hello.
Gosh what a terrible time you have had of late. I am really very sorry to hear of your loss. Words cannot make you feel better I know. I do hope that your memories will help you through and to give you the courage to enjoy your life again soon.

Thank you again for the Hello!