No longer in Kenya (aaah!) but still a Kenyan at heart...

Tuesday, 29 April 2008

A few comments on comments...

Why is it that we feel so involved with other people's lives? Honestly, we read other blogs and make comments or leave advice to people who we've never met, and at best is most likely never will meet. Why is it that the 'blogosphere' has each one of us so totally spellbound that we feel we have to spend a not unsubstantial amount of our time every day on it? Is it because it's basically that whole little voyeur thing we all have in us? Or is it that we've 'met' people online that have become dear friends, or at least dear acquaintances that share our lives - the joy, the sorrow, the heartache, the happiness... I think it is the latter. Yes, it is sharing a life with other human beings on a totally intimate level without being 'really intimate' - if that makes any sense to anybody. (Having one of those days where my brain is over thinking everything to the n'th degree.)

Some old friends, some new ones and some that have fallen by the wayside as we went along this path. I don't keep a 'blogroll' (glad I spelled that correctly...) on my blog for many reasons, but it's not because I don't want to list these friends, it's mostly because it's not important to me - not important for others to see who I read and what 'blows' my hair back, so to speak. Hey, I'm a voyeur with a conscience after all! *silly smile on face*

When I started this blog it was mostly so I could keep in touch with my loved one/s in SA and so I could share some of my experiences. It has, however, morphed into something all of it's own with a personality and a life - not completely unpleasant but a little unexpected. I'm keeping a diary for the first time in my life, and it all nice and warm and fuzzy. (Oh crap, I'm about to puke! - How soppy can one human being be?) I'm all sentimental at the moment - maybe because there is a mayor change coming up in my life, maybe 'cause it seems I'm putting a very large (and important) part of my life behind me, maybe 'cause I'm just an old sentimental fool. Who knows Who cares really. My main thing now is to make the most of this last little bit of time I have here in Kenya. (Not that I won't be coming back for visits, but that is different...)

So, with that in mind - spending some time with friends at Lake Baringo this weekend (Thursday is a public holiday and I've taken Friday off), planning another trip to Lamu and to Zanzibar, and will make use of every minute to see the people that I want to spend time with. Will be having fabulous, long, extravagant dinners at home, and long expensive lunches at as many wonderful restaurants in the city as I can... Anybody wanna join me?

Hope y'all have a really fabulous day!!


1 comment:

Laurie said...

I just like to know what's going
on in different parts of the world.
It also doesn't hurt to make a few
'friends' along the way.